Thursday, October 06, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today will be a very good day. I woke to about seven birthday messages from dear friends on email (some serious cards, some snarky comments, pretty much par for my group) and a DVD copy of Raising Arizona from DH. This man totally understands me.

I find, from IMDb, that I share a birthday with Elisabeth Shue, Jeremy Sisto, and that yummy Welshman I've already drooled over, Ioan Gruffud. Other October 6 babies are George Westinghouse (yeah, that Westinghouse), le Corbusier the architect (kinda cool, since I once thought I wanted to be an architect), Thor Heyerdahl (Mr. Kon Tiki himself), and the incomparable Carole Lombard.

Should be a good day--let's hope my new iPod arrives!



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