Friday, August 05, 2005

The Bed List/The Dinner List

Have you missed me? Couldn't post this from Reno last week, so no bed or dinner companions for me. Boo, hiss. I'm trying to get back in the groove this week, so bear with me here...


Some friends and I were dissecting Tom Cruise and his recent swerve to the weird side of the road during the RWA Conference, when someone mentioned Top Gun and we all went crazy. Ah, yes, Top Gun--especially the beach volleyball scene. The second I laid eyes on Rick Rossovich, aka "Slider," toothy Tom got kicked off the libido wagon. Rick played the buff boyfriend who took on the Terminator and lost, and also played Tag, the cute doctor Julianna Margulies ditched for Dr. Ross on ER all those years ago. My favorite role of Rick's, though, is the eye candy fireman in Roxanne, one of the best romantic comedies ever. "Because I was afraid of worms, Roxanne, worms!!" Get it from Netflix. You'll see.


Four words: "Puttin' on da Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitz!!!"
If you've ever seen Young Frankenstein, you're laughing your butt off right now. Peter Boyle is a comic genius, not to mention a very smart man with hidden depths. Did you know he once planned to be a monk? Seems a bit of a shift to go from a vow of poverty and celibacy to playing Frank Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond, but there you have it. Peter Boyle, man of many faces. As Frank would say, "Holy crap!!"


Diana Peterfreund said...

I assume you mean the boyfriend of Sarah Connor's roommate. Not my boy Kyle (Michael Biehn).

Oh, and did you know that Peter Boyle is the uncle of Kensington editor Kate Duffy? Learn something new every day, huh?


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