Thursday, January 05, 2006

Strike Three (Still Not Out)

Rejection #3 today. Here's the lowdown: "'s a really fun idea, but unfortunately the premise is just too similar to something we already have on the RDI list and I don't feel that Mimi's voice is quite distinctive enough to make this book stand out."

My kids would argue about the distinctive voice, especially DS, who once drew two pictures of me and explained, "This is you, Mama...and this is you yelling." But DS isn't in charge of editorial decisions in the bloodthirsty world of publishing, is he?


Down, but not out. One publisher to go on round one of submissions, four more in round two. Paige wants a closer look at LITTLE LEAGUE, too, so I have to step up to the plate, ar ar.


Marley Gibson said...

Big, big hugs chica!!!!


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