Sunday, January 01, 2006

I Hereby Resolve...

...not to get stupid with resolutions. I am definitely in the make-'em-but-don't-do-'em camp when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Obviously, the "Lose X pounds/Write X pages/Organize X rooms" format isn't doing it for me.

This year, positive stuff only. So, here's what I resolve:
  • I resolve to be kind to my body by eating better food and moving around more.
  • I resolve to be kind to myself by allowing the words "No, thanks for asking" to come out of my mouth more often.
  • I resolve to enjoy my family more.
  • I resolve to laugh with my friends and avoid poisonous people whenever possible.
  • I will drive with the top down as much as possible (clears the brain).
Hope your 2006 is healthy, happy, and successful!



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