Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Oh, for Cripes' Sake!!

The longer I go to church, the less I understand church people. Let me start by saying that I love my church. I was confirmed in my church. I've been a member of this church for a looooooooooooooong time.

Needless to say, being with one group for that length of time--even if people come in and go out, as people are wont to do--gives you some type of perspective. It may be warped, but it's perspective. I've come to this conclusion: Some folks who claim to know and love God sure have a hard time knowing and loving God's people.

There are some folks at church that, frankly, I think are boneheads. I don't agree with their approach to things. I don't like how they talk to other people. They wouldn't be at the top of my list for Sunday brunch, if you know what I'm sayin'. However, this being a church, I try my best to be pleasant. You know...model the love of Christ, that kind of thing?

Apparently, some folks have a hard time with that concept. They want things the way they want them. They complain. A lot. About this person, that person, this program, that blah blah blah. What I wonder is if you're so unhappy, why not worship somewhere else? Why stay at church badmouthing people behind their backs? Why say one thing ("I'm a Christian!") and do another (gossiping, half-truths, and hysteria in the lobby during the worship service)? That makes no sense.

News flash: churches have people. People have issues. Grown people--and Christians--try to find common ground rather than savoring that "panties in a wad" feeling and pouting about how things aren't working out the way they envision them. There's this lovely concept we're missing. It's called grace. Jesus got it. We need to work at it a little harder.



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