Thursday, March 03, 2005

Take that, IRS!

I hold in my hands (well, I was--had to put it down to start typing) one of the few documents that will convince the IRS that yes, I am a writer in serious pursuit of a writing career and not a dilettante who happens to own a computer and an overactive imagination (my shortcomings regarding the fine art of keeping a journal notwithstanding). Yes, gentle readers, I have an Agency Agreement.

I'm still basking in the glow of the cover letter, which tells me that Dream Agent and Company (hereinafter referred to as "D.A.&Co.") wish to "express our enthusiasm" about Crash Test and about "working with you toward building a mutually successful partnership." I know this is a boilerplate letter that's sent out to all of the new chicks, but I'm loving that my name and my book are in the mail merge fields.

Now I can officially call Crash Test "the Work" (that's with a capital W, thank you) and myself "the Author" (capital A, thank you again) of "the Work." At least for the time being. Considering that D.A.&Co. "want to help [me] sell [my] book and build a successful writing career," "the Author" had better get the synopsis written for "the Next Work," or Dream Agent will be quite put out.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the agent, ML! Of course now you have me deadly curious as to who the agent is...



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