Thursday, March 31, 2005

I Suck.

Ever have one of those weeks where nothing you do satisfies you? I'm having one. I look around and can't find anything to be happy about. I suck at work (don't have my lesson plans done). I suck at home (place is a wreck, and we're still finishing up the trim work in the bedroom). I suck in the closet (nothing to wear, and I'm overweight anyhow). I suck health-wise (you don't even want to look at that last cholesterol screening). I suck personally (forgot to call some friends on their birthday). I suck at writing (synopsis is stalled).

Basically, I suck!

What do you suggest to lift me out of the funk? Chocolate? Massage? Long trip off short pier? Ideas, please. I'm slap out.


Diana Peterfreund said...

Hey, I heard Mimi just signed with an AWESOME agent! And she has a roof! Wow...

Feeling better? I didn't write anything last week, and so far, we're at a count of 2 pages for this one. How about now?


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