Sunday, April 10, 2005

Puppy Love

Last July, I lost my cocker spaniel, Jack. He was fourteen and, as nearly everyone said, one of the best cockers they'd ever met. None of the stereotypical cocker problems like bad ears, peeing, etc.--just a fabulous, funny dog. I cried for a week when I lost him.

Lately, DH and I have been talking about getting a puppy. The kids are asking, and I think I'm finally ready. Not ready enough to get another cocker, but maybe something different. Another sporting group dog. Not a Lab or a Golden (everybody has one of those), but something special. Jack himself was a sable tricolor cocker, a very unusual color. So we do some research and find ourselves liking the idea of a Brittany. We also find a breeder not far from here who has puppies ready to go in May, right when school's out.

We spent this afternoon playing with puppies and some of the older dogs at the breeders. Had to tear the kids away. We're satisfied, though, and ready to go. This is dad:

This is mom:

And our new baby will be one of these guys:

Cute, huh? Here's the kicker. The earliest day we can bring home a new puppy after school gets out is June 2. Jack was born on June 2, 1990. Almost like he's saying "It's okay, Mom. You can have a new baby."


Erin said...

They are too cute! Congratulations mama!


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