Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Weapons of Mass Distraction

I'm shocked.

During her confirmation hearing, soon-to-be Secretary of State Condi Rice admitted that, concerning our military presence in Iraq,
"We have made a lot of decisions in this period of time. Some of them have been good, some of them have not been good, some of them have been bad decisions, I am sure."
Well, damn. Who knew?

Actually, my brother. He's an Army MP who is, as we speak, on a plane to Kuwait for his second deployment to our favorite Middle Eastern outpost. Never mind that the first time Uncle Sam sent him to Baghdad, he came home with a plate and seven screws in his arm. Apparently, that injury wasn't enough fun, so now my little bro will spend 12-18 more months in a country that flat doesn't want him there.

I can't even begin to think how his wife and four kids must feel about this. I know I'm not too happy about it.

Read the whole scoop on the Rice confirmation here.



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