Friday, January 21, 2005


We all have them.

Some of mine:
  • Logging onto IMDb every morning to read the trivia, quote, and celebrity dirt du jour.
  • Obsessive reorganization and reading of The Orlando Sentinel every morning (woe be unto you if you snatch a section out of order)
  • Deboning magazines, especially of those godawful perfume inserts
  • Cuticle chewing
  • Eating M&Ms in pairs by color
  • Salting my cocktail napkins (this works--salt the napkin before they put the drink down, and the napkin won't stick--no fear of looking like the Bar Geek)
  • Screaming "It's not even Halloween!!!" at the top of my lungs when I see the Christmas display Wal-Mart puts up 3.2 nanoseconds after Labor Day (especially fun when lots of red aprons are in the vicinity)
I'm guessing the blog will be, too.



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