Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten This Tuesday

Ten years ago today, at precisely 6:13 am, Miss Frack arrived in the world. That means today, at precisely 6:13 am, I became the mother of two children who are now in the double digits.

She's gorgeous, and I'm not just being a proud mama. She's really objectively gorgeous--willowy, long legs, shining hair, bright smile. I wonder how many of us were gorgeous when we were ten and somehow forgot (or never believed), those of us who have been the walking wounded on the inside for years and years because we just weren't...enough. Or thought we weren't.

Women are funny creatures. We can run the world and still doubt ourselves. I know so many capable, strong, amazing women who are just as insecure about their abilities and certainly their looks (adolescence can be an evil thing) as the least strong, least capable person on earth. We raise families and think we can't manage ourselves. We raise daughters and have understanding to our mothers. We pick up our children, dust off their scrapes and kiss their boo-boos so they can recover and play while ignoring our own wounds. Let's face it. We have issues.

My wish for my daughter today is that she doesn't have those days (or as many of them) as I seem to have had. Let her long-legged, bright-smiling self be the one she counts on as she turns eleven and eighteen and forty-'leven. For today, let me love my little girl for exactly who she is, and in the process, love the little girl inside me, too.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh, I hope so, may your daughter remain unhindered by insecurity.

I have two daughters, the oldest is a worry-wart to rival my own worry-wart mother, and the youngest seems to be more confident, yet she's overly shy at times. Us mothers, we would pave a road free of uncertainty and self-doubt for our daughters, if we only could.

Great post.

Dara Edmondson said...

Good post. I try so hard to nurture confidence in my daughter. Yet she still searches the mirror for flaws and inevitably finds them. Maybe it's an X-linked thing...


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