Monday, January 26, 2009

Face, er, Crackbook

OMG my college roommate Mr. Lizard finally browbeat me into getting on Facebook. Then I started looking for friends. From the number of "Finally! There you frickin' are!!" posts, I guess I am, as usual, the last to get to the party...but it's fun! I have caught up with more of my college buddies than I've talked to in years. It's amazing how far we've all relationships, new cities, new careers, new religions. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, after 20+ years.

I can see how Facebook could become a total time suck, though. My page exploded from the initial group of six friends to over 60 in two days. Happily for me, people I wasn't sure really remembered/cared were just as excited to find me as I was to be found. Neat, huh?

Okay, off to see more. I'll have to gorge for a while, then I can settle into a routine. I hope.



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