Monday, March 05, 2007

Stupid Dog

The one-two combo of DD and DM (aka my mother) accidentally let the dog out last night. Dog is one part dog, two parts bullet. He is one fast sucker. Fortunately for me, he decided to roam all over the cul-de-sac rather than play Kenyan marathoner.

Unfortunately for me, it was black as pitch out there, so I'm running back and forth in the dark (he's the "let you get close enough to touch the fur, but not the collar" type) with a leash praying he doesn't bolt for the main road. He didn't. He headed toward the neighbors with me in hot pursuit. He leaps the curb...and I kick it, dead on, with my left big toe.

I hope my very nice neighbors weren't listening to my not-very-nice tirade.

I caught him, brought him back, went to bed. This morning, my toe is a lovely shade of aubergine and doesn't want to bend much.

Stupid dog, for making me look so stupid.



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