Tuesday, September 27, 2005

School Pix

I sent the kidlets off to school in their best, as it is picture day today. DS is stylin' in his Hawaiian shirt (and rooster tail in the back of his head, I'm sure, despite the gel), while DD is twelve kinds of cute in a green--excuse me, "Frog"--sleeveless scoopneck (and bangs in her face, I'm sure, despite the gel). They'll both photograph beautifully because they always do.

I get to school and the nice kid from yearbook drops off my free picture package. I look. I cringe. I think three words: "Manatee in lipstick."


Note to self: Check lighting level before allowing them to click the shutter on retake day. Straight-on lighting will result in yet another bullfrog-in-a-wig-style photo. Better lighting reveals that I actually have both a chin and a neck. Insist on it.



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