Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Croup Dogg

Baby girl wakes up calling for the seals. Bark. Bark. Bark. She appears to have croup. Time to call in for a sub and play Florence Nightgown, as my mom used to say. DS is happy since he gets to wake up later and go to school at a normal time, rather than the crack of dawn like usual, and DD is loving the whole stay-on-the-sofa-and-watch-DVDs vibe du jour.

Of course, in less than an hour she proclaims she's bored and wants to go to the mall, but what did you expect? Calling in to stay home with your kid who may or may not be this generation's Typhoid Mary is like taking the umbrella when it looks like rain--pretty much guarantees that the microbes will slink back under their rock and release your kid from their evil grasp.

Oh, well. No school for me today. Instead, I get to finish moving the toys back into my son's room so we can finish off the living room. That, and grade papers. Joy. At least I'll feel more caught up, for once.



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