Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ten on Tuesday: New Year's Resolutions

After checking out the Thursday13 and 10 on Tuesday memes, I think I have to go with Tuesday. Fave day of the week. Plus, I am a Tuesday's child ("fair of face," if you can believe that!). So, Ten New Year's Resolutions. Maybe since I'm thinking of them early and not just because it's January 1 and all the pressure's on, I might actually keep some of them:
  1. Chew my food. Slow down and taste instead of bolt, and maybe some of those pounds will come off.
  2. Laugh with my kids more. There's never enough laughter in the world.
  3. Date my hubby. He cleans up real purty, and he's easy to talk to.
  4. Read more regularly, and not just in "ignore the fams for three days" bursts like I can. Reading is good. Mix it up with some classics, some current lit-ra-chure, and some genre. And maybe a nonfic for variety every once in a while.
  5. Write some real letters, the kind the require stamps. I love getting them, so why don't I send them?
  6. Call my dad more often. The least I can do for the man who wrote me a letter every single week when I was in college. With my favorite comics cut out of the paper, no less.
  7. Keep in better touch with my friends. I have free long distance. I should reach out and touch some folks.
  8. Fish or cut bait. Either I'm a writer, or I'm not, but I have to quick jerking myself and my talent around like I have been.
  9. Get those proposals in the mail. Dream Agent can't sell vaporware.
  10. Try not to worry so much. Plenty that's hairy and scary out there I can't control, so let's work on stuff I can. No one's forcing me to waste money or clutterbomb my own house.
These I think I can live with. On real New Year's, it's time to get down and dirty with the business plan and career goals.



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