Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Books and Cooks: Shopgirl



My appreciation for Steve Martin goes way beyond his "wild and crazy guy" days. He authored one of my favorite screenplays, Roxanne, and he's well-known as a thinker and writer in addition to being an actor and comedian. Shopgirl is a snack of a book, but there's a lot of flavor in these 40,000 words.

What I found most interesting was the balancing act he managed between the observatory tone and intimate information provided about the characters. It was an interesting way to experience the book, I must say. Some in the group felt that it was unfinished, as if Martin really wanted to write a longer book, but didn't. Some of the story threads wrapped up quickly or frayed into nothing. Overall, I didn't find these to be huge problems. It was a fun, light read at a time when I can't stuff anything more serious in my head, aka Testing Season.

A note about the food: since Mirabelle works at the glove counter at Nieman Marcus, what better to bring than the infamous $250 Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe of urban legend fame? I didn't bring those--I brought my own secret recipe chocolate chip cookies, which were developed from studying several recipes, including the aforementioned urban legend. Rich cookies. Gooooooood cookies.



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