Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Train Wreck in Progress

chez mimi hasn't had cable for a while, so holing up in a Hinesville hotel room while prepping baby bro to go off to war--again--provides the perfect opportunity to see what I've been missing.

Turns out, not much. And yet I end up watching several episodes of one particularly icky train wreck, Bravo's The Real Housewives of Orange County. The tagline: Where the bodies are fake, but the diamonds are real.

I tell you what, these women may have more money than God, but you couldn't tell it from how they're living. Spoiled kids, broken marriages, too much surgery (no natural breasts that I could tell, and all five of them and at least one daughter have the same nose), too much bleach (must, must be blonde). Scary.

One positive, though, I've gleaned from all this. My life may be messy, but it's nothing like what's on this show. There is a God, and He loves me.



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