Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Same Trauma, Different Week

Agent emails me: We haven't received Crash Test in the office.


I packaged up and sent Crash Test last Thursday, 2-day air by FedEx After the US Mail trauma and UPS delivery issues, I figured third time was a charm. Wrong again, fluffy. So I get on the phone with the nice man who sent it off, we run a tracking number check, and it got there last Friday. Signed for by the receptionist.

Double GAH!!!

All I can figure (pray) is that Crash Test is flirting with slush pile manuscripts, trying to pick up some anonymous big-city action before having to parade itself around to a bunch of publishers. At least, that's what I hope is happening. Go ahead. Sow your wild oats. Ink. Whatever. Just get the job done, 'kay??



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