Thursday, February 09, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

So DD wakes up with a temp of 102, so that means I'm home for the second time this week (DS stayed home Tuesday). Being home on a school day feels weird. Aside from the send in sub plans, what can the kids do without needing constant supervision stress, you have to figure out something productive to do with the rest of your day so you don't feel like a complete loser.

Days like this remind me of how a house can consume every second of your available time. Even though it's pretty clean thanks to book club last night, there's still a zillion things that need fixing or cleaning or plumping or folding or something. I've thrown a sop to the housekeeping gods by running a load of laundry (maybe two). Maybe I should vacuum something else.

I don't do well with unstructured time.



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