Friday, May 15, 2009

Life Imitating Art?

Okay, this is freaky. The other day, I was cleaning out my storage room at school, and one of the charms on my bracelet (the bagpipe) got caught in the large spiral binding of a book. Pull, pop, the bagpipe goes flying, and my bracelet ends up in two pieces. After some choice vocabulary words that will not be on my students' next test, I scooped it all into an envelope and took it to my jeweler for repair. Fine. Dandy.

Today, I pick up the bracelet, and it has issues. One part's been soldered on in reverse, so now the typewriter is on the end instead of the Cosmo glass. That can be fixed. But then I notice--horrors!--that MY COURT JESTER HAT IS GONE!!!!

It's only a charm, of course, and I can get another one for $15.95 plus tax, plus shipping, but that's not the point. The totally random thing is that Robin, the heroine of The Five Step Plan, realizes that her life is going to hell because she's lost her court jester charm. You know how you include little details of your life in your books? Well, Robin wears my charm bracelet. Her jester disappears, her man cheats on her with her boss. I lose mine...

No worries there. Sparky is the coolest of husbands. Still, it's creepy! Ever realize that you're living your own fiction?



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