Friday, May 29, 2009

Graduation After Retirement

Congrats to the Class of 2009! Just sat through graduation at my favorite high school, my first after handing my senior class sponsor sash and tiara over to another teacher. Two things today's experience taught me:
  1. Life does go on without me.
  2. I am waaaaaaaay critical.
Nothing skidded to a halt without me. Everyone got in the O-rena and found a seat. Programs were printed. Speeches were made (good ones, too--funny and touching). Names were called. Tassels were moved from right to left and mortarboards tossed. But...and this is a big but...from my spectator's seat, I nitpicked. Since I've done the job before, I had the two column thing going in  my head: How I'd Do It vs. How It Got Done. And since I am my father's daughter, I found plenty of things in the HIGD column that were most definitely not HIDI, which made them BAD and WRONG. Isn't that always how it is with us semi-control freaks? Our way is THE way?

But all that's not important. What's important is the smiling faces of all those newly-minted graduates, ready to take on the world. (We won't tell them about mortgage payments and other related adult fun just quite yet. We'll let them think being "grown" is all fun and games. For now.)



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