Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tropically Depressing Ernesto

Central Florida's suffering through its first bout of hurricane fever this season thanks to a weakling named Ernesto. The tracking maps showed him paying us a visit, so counties all over canceled school for today. Of course, now we have to make up the missed day the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. So much for travel plans.

So today we stayed in, and it was...wait for it...rainy. Gray, depressing, and rainy. Not a deluge, no scary wind gusts, just rainy. Seattle weather. Ho hum, yawn, time to watch more cable. The worst thing about weather like this is that it's so oppressive. The longer the day went on, the greater the sense of ennui. Why bother? Why work? You'd think with a day off, I'd be productive, but noooooooo.

Memo to school types: Don't make big decisions about canceling school until the darned thing makes landfall! If you'd waited until last night, you would have known we'd be wet but not in danger, and we wouldn't have wasted the day. Don't jump the gun at 2 pm next time, 'kay??

I'm glad we're back in school tomorrow. Days off like this just aren't worth it.



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