Saturday, August 19, 2006

Dream House

I don't know what it is about my subconscious, but when I'm asleep, HGTV takes over. I dream about houses. Not just normal houses, but houses with all kinds of strange nooks, crannies, and extra rooms. Like last night. I was dreaming about my house--sort of--when I started turning corners and found a huge laundry room that looks like it came out of Pottery Barn catalog, then a guest room I didn't know existed (like you can suddenly discover new rooms in your own house).

This isn't the first time, though. I dream about houses with multiple staircases, secret passages, second kitchens, rooms full of antique furniture--clearly, I have decorating and remodeling issues. That, or cleaning. Oh yeah; definitely cleaning.

Guilt now prods me to clean my kitchen.



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