Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Back to School! Or Not...

First day of school today! The kids actually popped out of bed this morning and got dressed with very little prodding (or begging, or threats). Got the cute back to school pic, fed them real breakfast--chocolate chip pancakes, thank you very much!--and sent Frick off to the school bus. First day in middle school! Good thing he was early, because so was the bus. Frack is loving being the queen of the elementary school now that big bro is off amongst the tweens.

My day went pretty well, too. Nice kids, good questions. They mostly got to class on time, and everything went smoothly considering we had a gajillion classes to teach (six periods out of seven). But now I have a headache and need to get into my pajamas.

Plus, for extra fun, there's an almost-hurricane out there in the Gulf, so that means they've punched the panic button. No school tomorrow. Goodbye, makeup day in October, which we were hoping to use to visit the grands. Argh!! So now it's buy the propane and put water in jugs, just in case. I predict hellacious rain and boredom tomorrow. Maybe I can get the lesson plans done. Or the proposal. Probably the proposal--it needs to go out!



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